The Transition, Part 2


            The 8 Living Ships flew amongst the stars of the heavens, and the Seven and their Nemeses slept for the most part, occasionally awakening to feed and consult Derrick for interpretations of their dreams, amid other important matters.

            Their chief concern was when they would reach their final destination. Many a time did they discover a planet, teeming with life, and culture. They often stopped to trade for supplies, and offer a respite of sorts for many of the deities and myriad beings whose life-force were being used to fuel the Living Ships. Sometimes they would stop for anywhere from a few days up to as much as a year or two. And the denizens would begin to hope that their journey be at an end. Eventually, though, Derrick would signal a return to their journey.
            But before we go into detail about that, lets talk about the deals which the Seven had made with their Nemeses and other groups and governments.

Disparate Alliances

            Ka’arn Steelridge represented the Giantkin and the ferocious, free-roaming Tribes of his homeland. His wife, the Lady Lorelei, was given authority to act as ambassador by the Myriad Kings, Vi-counts, other leaders of Men on the continent of Pageth. Together they approached Jarus Forgecrusher, representing the Northern Dwarves, and swore a bloodoath to put aside all past and current hatred and prejudices and work together to survive the coming End. Thus combined, they gathered their nations near the Sea of Tears, nestled amongst the mountains of Pageth, and none who opposed them could withstand the might of their combined fury. Their Safe Zone was much larger than the others, but it included a fair amount of Desert, as well.
Ramus Goldtongue and Fles De’Rorrim acknowledged their common heritage and swore an oath to be as of One Flesh, equal partners and brothers-in-arms. It is they who convinced the Death Elves, the Asada, and other secret societies that it would be in their best interest to secure passage on each ship. And so the combined Societies dispersed amongst the 8 locations, but maintained headquarters in the city of Tal-Garth.
            Sir Savilenak Everhate refused a proposal of marriage by Ozaraine Lepersheart, who wished to unite in matrimony in order to convince the Elves and Drow to work together. Sir Everhate declared that he’d “rather die painfully over and over again for Eternity than suffer the touch of yon Demoness even once”. Lady Lepersheart heatedly accepted the challenge, and swords were drawn. But Sir Daimaer Talonsclaw interceded and offered to take Sir Everhates place, declaring that it made little difference to him, a Hellspawn, if he married a Demoness or not.

            Lady Lepersheart conceded to the Union, but insisted that the Paladin be the one to preside over their union, knowing how much it would gall him. And so it was done, Sir Daimaer retiring to the Safe Zone located  at the heart of the Marcaniun Empire with his bride and those who would follow her wickedness.
            Sir Everhate, along with Dane Marlson, instead called forth the High Matron Mother of the Dark Elves, and the High Princes of the Elves. He called for a truce in Order to ensure mutual survival of Elf and Fey. An uneasy pact was agreed upon, and they settled in the Rang Forest, near the hidden Lake of Dersis.

            Dane Marlson, however, returned to the Safe Zone in his homeland of Dragonmoore and there gathered all manner of Living Dead, Lycanthorpe, and sentient Abominations, along with the local humans and other humanoid races. His Safe Zone was the second largest, composed of several Islands and a great deal of Ocean.
            Aleana the Pure and her spouse, Benakor the Warrior-Sage, struck a deal with the Oribus in convincing the Archdruid of Rolep to allow them to study the Obelisk in return for ensuring that large numbers of creatures, along with attendant Druids, were magically transported to the different Safe Zones in order to ensure the Balance was maintained. Aleana settled down with the Druids and local humans/humanoids in the Southern and Eastern part of the Duchy of Markhoven, including the keeps of Sir Charles Martin and the Vi-count Markheal.
            However, the couple had also agreed to help Kraa Kobold challenge and win leadership over the Orc and Gnoll tribes and so force their cooperation in co-habitation with the Humans, Halflings, Dwarves, and Gnomes in that area.

            In the end, Benakor ruled over the humanoid forces, with Kraa as his advisor and High Priest. They settled in The Red Tower, and their domain easily swallowed all of the Northern and Eastern section of the Duchy of Markoven, being the third largest Safe Zone designated by Krae.
            Durgar Alas could not gain an audience with Rayak The Mad Fairy, try as he might. However, once the Seven had secured their deals with their Nemeses, Rayak summoned Lady Ozaraine Lepersheart-Talonsclaw, Kraa Kobold, Jarus Forgecrusher, and Fles De’Rorrim, and told them that if they expected him to close a deal with Durgar and the Seven, they each must first agree to his terms.
            When asked what is required of them, Rayak cackled madly and answered, “What I want I cannot say, but tell me what deals you have made, that might show me the way.”
            Jarus Forgecrusher spoke up first. “The Mountain Dwarves are now allied with the Barbaric tribes and our hated enemies, the Giants. We are now a mighty Force, easily crushing all resistance beneath our Axes! Our styles complement each others, and our ways are not that different where it matters. Our greatest needs do not clash with one another, so we can focus our energies and skills in glorious battle! Instead of fighting each other, we test each other, bringing out the best in each other!”
            Rayak saw that the Giants, Humans, and Dwarves actually enjoyed each others company, different though they may be. This only served to remind him of how Durgar and the Seven had overcame similar differences to become powerful beyond expectations.

            So Rayak hissed and held his tiny hands to his ears, “Stop! Stop! I can hear no more, so sickeningly sweet, your tale’s a bore! Happy and learning and joyful and such, You enjoy each others company entirely too much! Your cultures, given time, would grow much too far, an atrocity, so remain as you are! Your precious alliance I now tear apart! Your race and Ka’arns, forever askew, now let us see how well you will do!”
            Jarus Forgecrusher was silent for a long time before he nodded, “I agree. My people and Ka’arns will work together out of necessity, but we will no longer live as one nation.”

            Rayak cackled, satisfied, and sent the Dwarf away with a wave of his hand.
            Lady Ozaraine spoke next,”I have married a Man of great power and influence, tainted by fiendish blood. Our children shall wield great power over men and gods alike, and the suffering caused to my husband and his companions will be many-fold, because they may not raise a hand against us without breaking the Truce!”
            Rayaks eyes gleamed as the Lady spoke, and once she had finished he cackled again and said “Truer words were never spoken, but long it be afore will is broken. All the While I wait here alone, wit’ na’er spouse nor child to brighten my home. But many Offspring you will have, I See! Your first-born child will be given to me! I’ll nurse him on Blood and the pain of Betrayal, to me and me alone will he turn his dark Prayers! In Madness he’ll stand, his Heart and Energy! Fiend, Servant and Son, loyal only to me!” As he speaks, a tear runs down he tiny, wrinkled cheeks.
            Lady Ozaraine laughed merrily and shrugged. “Why not? As long as he doesn’t come after us, and knows who his Mother is. I agree. After all, if he gets caught, The Sevens pain will be ever the richer once they discover that he is untouchable, being the child of one of their own!”

And then she was gone, carried aloft on eldritch winds.
            Kraa Kobold snarled angrily, “I am the High Priest of a nation of Goblinoids, Gnolls, and Kobolds! Soon, I will have all of the sniveling cowards worshiping me as their One True God, and then Pact, or no Pact, the Mageling and his bitch will pay!”

            Somberly, Rayak raised his hand and slapped the Kobold soundly. Then he hugged him and said; “My dear, idiotic reptilian friend, how quickly you wish to meet your end! The Humans are far too strong, they will unmask your plans ‘ere long! The Goblin tribes should all unite – but how? All they do is bicker and fight!

            “You, my friend, must subjugate, take out the strong, and reeducate! Breed for wisdom and wit, take the best as your chosen. Allow the strong to be whipped and broken. And so you will achieve that which Strength cannot: A race of sheep, who chafe at their lot. Leave the dirty work to men; Then, afterwards ,what men hath broken, so shall you mend, preaching, of a time when their suffering shall end.

And after generations have passed, their tribal differences will at last, have disappeared and in its place, they shall gain freedom as a single race, united in hatred against their oppressors, armed with wisdom, they shall be mans successors.”

            Kraa Kobold stared incredulously, “Are you suggesting that I allow the humans to slowly enslave the gathered masses, by helping them destroy the strongest leaders of all tribes? And afterwards breed them all like cattle, but not for strength, but intelligence, in the hopes of one day having a united kingdom which will remain together, unified in purpose, devoted only to me, who they see as their Prophet and Savior?”

            “Yes, I do,” replied Rayak, “Their future I’ve foreseen, and their future is You. But if you require a guiding hand, then go to the Library and read up on Man.”

            “There is sense in your mad plan.” said Kraa. “Very well, I agree to your terms.” And he, too, vanished and was gone.

            Rayak then turned his attention to Fles De’Rorrim and smiled. “And what of you, my sly, hidden friend? What bargain did you make, and to what end?”

Fles stared at the Mad Fairy impassively and answered: “I have gone into business with my soul-twin. We split everything 50/50 and have no secrets from one another.”

            Rayak grimaced, knowing that, if Ramus and Fles were together long enough, they would become as One, a powerful Entity whose might would easily eclipse that of the others.

            “So, so, 50/50, you say? All the time, together, day for day? Well, my friend, one thing only I ask of you; All gods have their Favorite, its true, but If you be partners, then you must remain Two. Separate but equal, best friends forever! Why create avatars? Yourselves are much better!”

Fles De’Rorrim narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “You ask much, brownie. You know that eventually, neither Ramus nor myself will be part of this world, that we would somehow have to lead our Guild from the Negative Plane, right?”

            Rayak nodded. “Tis the price I ask my friend, else I leave not my prison, and all Life shall end.” his eyes blazed with anger, and he screamed with fury “How DARE you take for granted how lucky you are! You will never be alone, at home in the dark! Either of these states are unbearable to most, but your greatest worry is your GUILD?! You ungracious goat! You have someone who knows what you feel, who understands and is there, who will never leave! Your brother and soul-twin, who killed my last Kin! And left me to grieve in the ruins of  home, How dare you mock me for being alone?!”

            A large gout of white-hot flame erupted from the ground at Fles De’Rorrims’ feet. The Assassin narrowly avoided a fiery death by quickly diving into the shadows, which spirited him far out of the spells reach.

            A few minutes later he returned, cautiously exiting long enough to say, “I accept your terms, neither Ramus nor myself shall ever create an avatar”. And then he was gone.

            Satisfied, Rayak then went to Durgar Alas, also known as the Dragon Rad Grimoir at his abode at Dragonspring Lake, on the Continent of Kerb, and agreed to work with him and his allies in accordance with the wishes of Krae.

            “However, I have one condition,” he said.

            “Speak, and I shall consider it,” answered the Dragon.

            Somberly, Rayak spake “If Change is never taken into account, Law becomes redundant to great amount. Soon you will be Law, this I have seen. But Law must be reformed, and though I’m not keen,

I wish to put the past behind us, and work together on new Laws, for the old ways must be repurposed.”

            “You assume much, Quickling. And have done much to disrupt my companions alliances. Why should I trust you?”

             “I tried to warn you about my Creation, but ignore me you did, imperiling the Nations, and now we must flee, at the Most Highs behest, for to ignore their creed means death, at best.”

“As for my ‘disruptions’, as you would say, all of their deals were poorly made. Enemies become allies for short-term gains, but enemies still they yet remain. Once it is clear that they can not separate, then the true work begins: Unlearning to hate.

And those who have quickly overcome their spite, who truly became friends and kin overnight? Overnight they return to their hate of each other, not only on friend, but also on brother. “

‘Slowly does turn the wheel of time, ‘ere cultures of mortals achieve the sublime.

And slower still, will they relent, the Thousand Branches of Ignorance:

As the branch of a Tree will their majesty spread, but mortal lives, like leaves, are too quickly dead.

And Death will come for a dozen generations, before wounds are healed between two nations.

A thousand years they gripe and whine, before their branches intertwine.

A thousand more will they fight the Change, ‘til but a fraction of their leaves remain.

A thousand more will they build anew, forgetting much of what they once knew.

A thousand more yet, and flourish they might, but first they must leave the confines of their plight.

A thousand years more, still they falter and grasp, reliving the lessons nearly solved in the past.

And all for a branch on the Cultural Tree. Sightly higher, and scarce the wiser, as the Cycle repeats.’

            Grimoir sighed, for he knew that Rayak spoke the truth. Rayak had tried to warn him about Razakal, and he, Grimoir, had not believed him, had instead fought and drove Rayak away. And now, death was coming for Karnoth, borne on Shadowy Wings.

Also true were Rayaks assessment of the nature of mortals, but Grimoir was not yet satisfied.

“Why have you left Savilenaks Alliance alone?” he asked. “It’s the only one your tampering does not affect.”

            Rayak turned his attention back to the conversation and grinned.

“As for the dark elf and his naivete, nothing further is required of me. The Elves were ever a foolish, proud race, they once ruled the world, but squandered their fate. Or rather, I should say, they squandered their seed; their primary problem in not wanting to breed. And by halving their numbers on a silly squabble, their decline continues, their might has been hobbled. For now, the Elves have nowhere to run; they must either cooperate, or perish as one.  But the Elves have long memories, a curse of the long-lived. Yes, it won’t be long before their truce is reneged! And the bastard Sir Silly shall have a war on his hands, between the pale elves, and those of his homelands! 

And they must learn to think short-term, to copulate for sheer survival, lest they be overrun by their like-blooded rivals. And then, only then, will they be like the rest; dying like leaves, but growing in depth!”

            Rayak paused, and looked Rad Grimoir knowingly “I see you did not ask about your Bardic friend. perhaps that part you comprehend?

Or shall I tell the ‘why’ to you, point out to The Wyrm what is obviously true?”

            Dark energy curled from Rad Grimoirs nostrils, and the Wyrms scaly paws curled

into fists in reaction to the Mad Fairys jibe.  But he drew deep on his Will, and inhaled deeply once, and exhaled nothing but Air. 

             “The Undead, Oni, and Abominations, by their very nature alone, do not function as do the ‘normal’ races,” Rad Grimoir admitted.

“Their needs are often more specific than your normal, bipedal mammal. Usually these needs are simply the blood, flesh, or bone of sentient beings, of a certain type, or any. But ofttimes these needs are perceived, rather than physical. Therefore, those under Danes charge must learn what it is they actually crave: To again feel alive for many Undead, to right a wrong for others. Liches often just want to be left to their studies. But some simply enjoy causing misery and destruction. Many Abominations and Oni may simply crave human flesh, but survive eons without a taste, implying that perhaps it is a want, rather than a need. And others require a living host to implant their young in, or are misunderstood by the ‘normal’ races, and are quick to anger, and kill. But again, there are those who simply want to destroy and feed on the sentient living. Such a mix is not in danger of becoming complacent or rigid in structure, and while its likely they may all kill each other, it is also likely, that at some point they will establish some sort of hierarchy and learn to live with each other, although its fairly obvious that the humanoids there will likely be used as cattle.”

            Rayak cackled as the great Wyrm finished and said, “My erstwhile rival, you speak and see clearly, as clearly as it may seem. But you cloud your judgment by favoring man and his peers over other sentient beings, Your sentiment would have you judge solely on racial bent, but there always is another side to every argument.“

‘And if Mortals saw as Gods have seen, what Wonders would they see?

And if Gods would look beyond their Shell, what Horrors would there be?

To look beyond the Atmosphere, to piece the Veil of Night,

Is the Curse of Wyrms Eternal, for they must bear the Light,

The Light of Knowledge, of seeing true, the Burden Krae has borne,

Knowing that a World of Billions, is still a World Alone.

If Mortals saw as Wyrms have seen, could frail Minds bear the Strain?

Or would they break, and end their Lives, knowing that they lived in vain?’

            And Grimoir saw that his Rival spoke with the Gift of Prophecy, and was filled with wonder. For Rayaks Gift was greater than that of mere Prophecy; rather, he understood the many Facets of Law, but from a point-of-view which complemented Grimoirs own. Between the opposing views,  a perspective was given which was sorely needed in sorting out the Chaos of the current troubles.

            And so he agreed to a truce, and entered into conversation with Rayak. And it is said that their conversation lasted for many years before they took a break.  From this time forward, Rayak and Grimoir continued to discuss and argue over the ways which the many facets of Law should be interpreted and carried out.

            And while they never truly stopped becoming rivals, they often resolved conflicts by taking sides on an issue and leaving it up to the actions of mortals and lesser deities to see who was correct.

They gathered all manner of wondrous creatures, from Dragons to Fey, in the Safe Zone centered on the Bay of Invasions.

            And so ends the Tale of Disparate Alliances.

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